Referral Alchemy Network

Grow your business using the power of relationships with our signature CPR framework

Does Your Business Need a Little CPR?

Are you buried under all.the.things you’re supposed to be doing to grow your business?

Are you stalled… and aren’t sure how to restart your business the right way?

Are you exhausted from constantly meeting for “coffee chats” that go nowhere… trying to use complex funnels or paid media… or always giving to people in your network… only to see nothing in return?

Your business could use a little CPR.

I don’t mean mouth-to-mouth.

I’m talking about CPR

Connect… Promote… Refer…

When you get these three pieces moving in your business… everything else falls into place.

You can scale and grow your business much faster without funnels or ads or complex marketing tech that makes you want to pull your hair out. 

Funnels… giveaways…. challenges… webinars… they all have their place in your business. And when used correctly, they can provide massive change.

But…. in order for ALL of them to work… first you need a network that works for YOU.

Want to do a giveaway? 

You need a network to provide the gifts and promote.

Want to do a challenge?

You need partners to share it and help you fill it for real results.

Want to do an automated webinar or funnel? You either need thousands of dollars to spend on paid traffic …or a network to send your ideal clients into the funnel.

A solid network that is dedicated to your success is key to making all of those other tactics work. 

People network. So many entrepreneurs go out…talk to people…and think they’ve created a network. These “networks” are usually a bunch of names, email addresses and numbers…they aren’t real relationships. 

But no one talks about this. No one wants to share that the real power behind scaling…is people. Real relationships. 

But no one is making real connections at these networking events.

Introducing the Referral Alchemy® Network

A carefully-curated, purpose-driven community with like-minded coaches, consultants and small business owners who want to help YOU grow and scale your business.

Join a community of highly motivated people who want to use the power of relationship and understand that business is more than numbers and dollar signs.

You’ll build relationships with powerful people who will help you as you help them. 

As a member of the Referral Alchemy® Network, you’ll have the opportunity to share your knowledge, resources and networks with everyone within the community. 

Your fellow members will also share what they know, who they know and what they have to offer with you. 

When you join the Referral Alchemy® Network, you’ll discover how to perform CPR on your business. The process to really connect, promote, and refer YOU and help to connect, promote and refer others.

Not Another “Networking” Group

This is not a place where you join a meeting once a month, share what you do and then it’s up to you to find the connections and partners you need with even more calls…never knowing if you’re connecting with the right people.

Instead, this is a group and a community in which everyone is invested in both supporting and being supported. And we don’t leave it to chance.

You’ll attend a monthly Referral Alchemy® Roundtable.

You won’t be forced to sit through dozens of “30-second intros” that take forever…hoping to meet the few gems you really want to connect with.

During the roundtable, you will be put into a group of people who have the resources and knowledge that you’re looking for.

Each small group is run by a Certified Referral Alchemist® that keeps the group on task and facilitates your experience. These individuals are actively using the Referral Alchemy® Method to bring in revenue to their business. 

The Referral Alchemy® Roundtables use a curated process to meet, connect and build relationship with the right people, and you don’t have to go out and search for them.

Your Community Host

Hi, I’m Virginia Muzquiz, the Referral Alchemist. I’ve been building business by referral for over 20 years. When I first got started…I did everything I was “supposed to do” when networking…and landed myself in a pile of debt. 

I learned why the networking most entrepreneurs know doesn’t work. I took those lessons from my first business as a Mary Kay lady and helped my next client grow from 0 to $2.5 million dollars in 18 months. 

I’ve grown numerous businesses, both for myself and for my clients, through the power of relationships and referrals.

I’ve been a member of networking groups and communities in the past, and I noticed a HUGE problem.

I knew how to give and connect in these communities…and I helped many others break their six-figure goals.

BUT…no one else knew how to give back. 

I realized too often people join these communities hoping to get the “secret sauce” and discover how to build relationships that build your business…but they are left to figure it out themselves.

That’s why I decided to create the Referral Alchemy® Network. I know the power of entrepreneurship to change lives…and I wanted to help more people skip that learning curve and start reaching their dreams.

If you really want your networking to work, to be part of a network where everybody’s speaking the same language, has the same foundation and is dedicated to building relationship first… 

The Referral Alchemy® Network is for you.

Beyond Networking and Referrals: Tools to Build Your Business

We don’t stop at providing curated, facilitated networking that gives everyone a win.

There are so many ways to leverage your networking to grow and scale your business. I’m reaching out to my own network of experts that I have a solid relationship with…and sharing that with you.

In addition to the monthly Referral Alchemy® Roundtables, we’ll also hold monthly “Ask the Expert” sessions.

In these sessions, I have gone out into my network and brought in amazing speakers who have real knowledge to share about growing and scaling your business.

Each month, these expert trainings will dive deep into ways you can further leverage the networking and referrals you are doing to grow your business.

After a short presentation where the experts will share a “behind-the-scenes” peek into their business growth tools or process, there is an open Q&A for you to ask any questions you have.  

This will build on the relationships and referrals you’re implementing in your business and help you grow in other areas at the same time.

Practical Magic for Building a Network that Builds Your Business

Have you ever noticed some people seem to “have it” when it comes to getting results from networking…and other people don’t? 

Ever feel like you’re doing all the work and following what everyone tells you to do…and not getting referrals or support from your networking?

You’re not alone!

AND…it’s not your fault. Too often people approach networking as an opportunity to pitch…because they don’t know how to do anything else.

When you join the community, you’ll immediately gain access to the Referral Alchemy® eCourse: How to turn your networking into a Referral Engine for your business in just 10 easy steps.

Inside this 10-Day email course, you’ll discover the fundamentals to creating your own Referral Nexus. This is your personal network where everyone is invested in your success and knows who to connect you with…and you do the same for their business.

You’ll discover many members of the community that will fit into this group…and everyone is on the same page when it comes to supporting one another.

Access to a 24/7 Community

Gain the support you need from your fellow relationship-based business owners who are looking to support others. Give as much as you gain from the community

This community is always available for you to ask questions about referrals, networking, business growth and anything else that comes to mind when building your business. 

This is not a place where everyone pitches their services. It’s a dedicated space to get support from people growing and scaling businesses just like you. 

You’ll join a community that has guidance and is actively helping you put networking in place for yourself.

Our Directory Will Showcase Your Business

Each member will have access to the directory, where you can list your website, who you serve and how you help people. This not only helps others refer you, it also helps you get in front of people who may need your help!

This is your opportunity to shine a spotlight on how you transform other people’s lives with your work.

It’s also a huge resource for you.

When you have a question or challenge about growing your business, you’ll have direct access to other business owners who put relationships first. You’ll be able to partner with them to get the best results.

Business Success Library

As long as you’re a member of the network, you’ll have access to every Ask the Expert and Ask the Referral Alchemist session.

PLUS, I’ve gone to my own network and gathered quality resources you may need to build your business.

This includes useful, actionable trainings and guides such as:

…and so much more.

This ever-growing training library is your one-stop shop for the tools you need to leverage your relationships to grow your business.

This community is more than a place to “network”. It’s a group of like-minded business owners who are dedicated to forming quality relationships to grow and scale businesses.

You’ll be able to use the resources and knowledge from within the community to make every meeting, coffee chat or networking lunch from now on worth your time…with the tools to notice who to talk to and who is not a great fit.

What You Get When You Join the Community

There are a lot of benefits of being a community member…so here’s a quick overview of everything you’ll access as a member of the Referral Alchemy Network:

Monthly Referral Alchemy® Roundtables

Deeply connect in a small, curated and facilitated roundtable with people who are pre-vetted as a fit for you and your business

Monthly “Ask the Expert” Sessions

Leverage your new relationships with these complementary trainings from guest experts on how to take your networking to the next level and grow and scale your business

Monthly “Ask the Alchemist” Sessions

The Referral Alchemists are actively using relationships to build the business of their dreams. These monthly sessions are your chance to ask any questions you have about networking and gaining referrals to build your dream business

Referrals Alchemy® Roadmap Training

Gain immediate access to this training on how to network the right way…to build long-term relationships and real businesses

Business Success Library

Access to a selection of expert trainings to grow your business and every Ask the Expert and Ask the Alchemist session…so you can always refer back to your top questions or prep yourself before a new networking meeting for best results

Access to the Directory

Discover other business owners who are relationship-first and can support you with your big challenges. List your business and the transformation you provide so other members can easily discover you

…and so much more.

You’ll have every resource you need to connect with the right people to grow your business through the power of referrals.

What’s the Investment?

Before I share the investment of joining the Referral Alchemy Network…I have a quick question for you.

What’s the value of a single client in your business?

For many of my clients, a single client can easily be worth thousands of dollars.

So, what would it mean for you and your business if you were able to hone the skills needed to build your very own referral nexus…a group of people who are invested in bringing YOU a steady stream of clients…and you do the same for them…

Imagine getting on the phone with a person who is ready to buy. They already know you, because someone they trust sent them directly to you.

A few months ago, a friend introduced me to someone. She made a quick introduction and I hopped on a quick phone call.

Within a half-hour call, the business owner on the other end had one question, “How do I sign up?”

With a single 30-minute phone call…I landed $18,000 in business.

What if the same could happen to you?

When you join the community, you have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded business owners who are ready and willing to help you build your business… as you help build theirs.

This is more than a once-a-month “networking” call. You’ll become part of a community dedicated to your success.

Networking is not about hitting up all your friends and begging for clients (or money). It’s about building a community of trusted partners who want to see you succeed and you want the same for them.

You could go it alone. Continue going to random networking events without a plan… and without a clear path for connecting with the right people.

Or, you could get support. Join a community where every time you go to a Roundtable, you’ll be in a room with a group of people who are ideal partners for you.

Discover the right way to network…and get a steady stream of referrals…while getting unprecedented access to other business growth experts.

If you’re stuck with the old “coffee chat” model… where you drive to a coffee shop… meet for an hour with a relative stranger and no plan… then drive home and see nothing come of it.

If you’re lucky, the cost of gas and the coffee would run about $5 a day.

Do this every day you’re working, and you’ll easily rack up a bill of $1200 or more for “free” networking.

And still have very little to show for it.


You could…

Leverage the power of networking for real business growth…

Discover how to network the right way… and transform every future meeting into real opportunity…

Gain access to other business owners who are focused on relationships first…so everyone wins…

…and so much more… for less than the “coffee chat” method for a year.

To join the Referral Alchemy® Network at the Founder’s rate is $997 a year (much less than the “coffee chat” method)…or you can join on a monthly basis of $97 a month.

The Referral Alchemy Network is different than other communities online. We’re dedicated to helping YOU achieve the business of your dreams. I’ve personally worked with business owners who’ve generate a health six-figure business by referrals alone…and it starts with being in the right community.

If you’re ready to finally harness the power of relationships to build the business you want…